The Girl on the white Scooter: The Pink Robe
Chapter 6: “This is it! My D-day, decision day— decisions. My daaayy.” Leigh held up her inspiration coffee mug as...
Chapter 6: “This is it! My D-day, decision day— decisions. My daaayy.” Leigh held up her inspiration coffee mug as...
Get Your Amazon Kindle Copy! I’m thrilled to announce my first book, A Frazzled Christmas Tale is published and available...
Chapter 5: Move On Leigha awoke to a muffled zhht… zhht. Her phone vibrated atop the stack of cardboard boxes. The...
Chapter 4: She knew She was discouraged, but… she knew. Leigha always knew God was in and through her life. When...
Chapter 3: Gravity Last night’s crowd diminished; however, Leigha noticed a few pavement stragglers barked orders while straddling their bicycles...
Chapter 2: Fracture In the morning light, Leigha began damage assessment at the kitchen doorway. Tears through the night were...
THE GIRL ON THE WHITE SCOOTER Chapter 1: Characters' True Color A loud bang, pop, then a clap/boom followed with...
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