Get Your Amazon Kindle Copy!
I’m thrilled to announce my first book, A Frazzled Christmas Tale is published and available for purchase through LifeRich Publishing, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.

Best yet, through Amazon Kindle you can download a FREE app. Because there is a huge importance to obtaining reviews, I’m asking you to help get this book launched properly. So, dear friends and family, will you help? Here is the link to download your copy:
So I need your help!
If you would please download your kindle copy, read it and leave a book review for me, I would be extremely grateful for the support. Amazon considers REVIEWS as very important with their ranking of books.
A Frazzled Christmas Tale is a whimsical story for families to enjoy as they gather around the Christmas tree each season. Joe, the hand-carved red fox, and his animal ornament friends are brought to life through the bond of an honorable soldier and his grieving son’s Christmas prayers and wishes.
Every Christmas season, generation after generation, the family is blessed with these helpful ornaments, called The Trust League by their maker.
The Trust League’s directives:
- Encourage Christmas Season traditions for the family.
- Initiate new traditions for future generations.
The delightful animal characters’ busy antics, along with their determination to continue Christmas traditions, make A Frazzled Tale a heartwarming storybook to be unpacked every year from the storage box labeled Christmas Decorations.