Until 8 weeks ago, I had one sister. News came of a missing sister, an older but new addition to our DNA circle.
Donna, older than me by 18 months, is beautiful, smart, and has a wit to balance. As children, we formed our own, private, 2-member clubs, seeking adventure. We formed the Lazy Daisy Club, and later it was The Everette Greenie Club, just to mention a few startups. We stamped down weeds in a wide circle and claimed a large sitting rock (two rocks were better) for the clubhouse and meeting area. Then we hunted for dandelions and flowers to decorate our official meeting area.
Regardless of my childish constant challenges to the hierarchy, Donna deemed herself, President, and made the rules (she was the oldest, she reminded me). The Secretary (also Donna) artfully drew a daisy at the top of the Minutes’ page that read like this:

And that was that. I’m confident the total two or three meetings descended into chaos for the two sole members couldn’t decide what to do with the small club, plus my nagging disappointment for not being the rule maker. I imagine an additional sister may have smoothed out the ruffled feathers of the Lazy Daisy Club.
Now, so many years and celebrations and children later, we discovered a third sister we never knew, Cindy. With inquiry, stories were ignited, and the water hose of tears, questions, pictures, and memories came pouring out. It was time to meet this new missing connection. I thought of our oldest/newest sister for she missed so much love and fights and borrowing clothes. What would that feel like to move forward through sister-less years? How much we two sisters had lacked without the third?
We three sisters favored and reached deep within photos to heal wounds of family long past and found those skipped stitches in this intricately knitted piece. We hugged and bonded and melted into a mutual sistership. The years fell away.
To Our Oldest and Newest Sister Cindy:
On behalf of Donna and I, we have the honor to dub you the new President of the Lazy Daisy Club in abstention and, therefore add you to the list of established members retroactively.
Bring a nickel for dues and dandelions on your next visit.
With Love, after so many years’ unknown,
Donna and Diana