I have been walking by this mattress with a car underneath for weeks now. No strappy hold-downs attached. Rain, sun, strong wind, heat, then more sun, wind, and heat. So after its first soaking rain, I walked quickly by and held my breath for fear of a wafting stench. Then I resorted to crossing the street to avoid any of the old mattress smells.
It became an obsession to see how long that mattress balanced atop a car would be parked in that spot. Is this a normal moving thing in Maui? When the late afternoon winds whipped by each day, my mind went to that mattress set. Sure enough, it stayed atop the car through it all, and I was amazed.
The car with its mattress hat finally moved on. I asked myself, after all that weather, will it actually be used again, or was the formerly soggy thing dropped at the landfill? I will never know… but in all honesty, I don’t really want to know its fate. I’m grateful it’s not part of my walk to the beach any longer.
Then I spot another mattress with a different car underneath. It is a moving thing in Maui!